Thursday, January 28, 2010

New Free Trade Zones legislation will boost agribusiness

The Colombian Government has modify the Decree 4285 from 2009 regulating the Free Trade Zones regime. Under the original legislation the government allowed the creation of Single Company Free Trade Zones (SCFTZ) for agribusiness limited only to the production Bio-Fuel. Under the new amendments the regime will allow other industries to form SCFTZ for the following industries:

- Bio-Fuels
- Meat and Fish
- Oil and grease production from vegetables and animals
- Dairy Products
- Legume and fruits (prepared or preserved), tea, soup, vinegar, sauces and yeast
- coffee

To obtain FTZ status and their benefits the company most accomplish within the first (3) three years an investment of +$19.2 million dollars or the creation of 500+ jobs.

For more information on how to benefit from this legislation contact me at

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